Natural Remedies For Fighting Dizziness

Dizziness is a general term used to describe quite a range of symptoms, from feeling lighthearted to the sensation that everything around the person is spinning (vertigo). It is also one of the most common reasons for going to see a doctor. Depending on the manifestation, it can be caused by any number of factors. Vertigo, the most common type of dizziness, may be caused by inflammation of the inner ear, migraines, Meniere’s disease (build-up of fluid in the inner ear), flying in airplanes, riding roller-coasters, reading in moving cars, and sometimes by some more serious neurological problems, like stroke or MS. Feeling of lightheartedness can be caused by a sudden drop in blood pressure (like standing up suddenly), inner ear problems, anxiety disorders (panic attack), or hyperventilation. Read Treatment for Dizziness

One of the most well-known natural remedies for common causes of vertigo is fresh ginger. Chinese sailors used to chew it for dizziness thousands of years ago. You can either chew a slice, or drink it as a tea. Ginger tea has stimulating qualities, and can help prevent an attack of dizziness. Cinnamon and peppermint can be helpful too.

Drinking celery juice will not only relieve your spell of dizziness, but can help lower blood pressure.

Ginkgo biloba aids with dizziness problems, since it boosts circulation of blood within the inner ear, correcting some inner ear problems.

Another good herb is fever few. Not only has it been shown to help with migraines, it can also reduce inflammation processes in your inner ear, while improving blood circulation.

If dizziness is associated with panic, stress or anxiety, you need to try Rescue Remedy (an equal blend of Cherry Plum, Rock rose, Impatiens, Clematis, and Star of Bethlehem flower remedies).

And then there is the remedy that seems to cure it all, apple cider vinegar. Try mixing teaspoons each of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of hot or cold water. Take three times a day should help this annoying occurrence quite considerably.

One more way to treat dizziness is by adding juice of one lemon or lime to half a glass of soda water and take in small sips.

An inner ear infection can be treated quite successfully with colloidal silver.

Sometimes, stopping the intake of stimulants like coffee, cola, and alcohol may help fight dizziness too, since it helps balance out blood pressure.

Yet another herbal remedy consists of a mixture of fenugreek and thyme. Even though it is mostly used for respiratory and allergic problems, it is quite effective in getting rid of dizziness too.

Click here for Treatment for Meniere’s Disease

How acupuncture saved me from Meniere’s Disease

Much is written about the benefits of acupuncture: how it improves circulation, relieves stress and anxiety, and treats the whole person instead of just a symptom here or there. Because it’s not a popular treatment for Westerners, though, it is sometimes be viewed with a veil of suspicion or simply avoided by Americans.

On the flip side, Western doctors have the means and the motivation to prescribe drugs for most ailments. Some are specialists, which means that instead of viewing, say, a patient’s heart as a part of his or her overall body, they simplify their scope by concentrating on the patient’s heart itself. The combination of prescribing drugs with ease and not considering a patient’s holistic health leaves much to be desired. Read more Treatment for Meniere’s Disease

I started to go deaf in one ear in my mid-30s for a reason that would be described as the equivalent of winning the genetic lottery. The solution for this was to replace my defective ear bone with a prosthetic bone to restore my hearing.

The surgery went well, and during my follow-up appointment, my doctor complemented me on the healing that took place within my middle ear. Excited about my renewed ability to hear, I returned to work only to suffer from dizzy spells, vertigo, and extreme fatigue. A diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease proved to be the second of my lottery wins, as it is not a common ailment. I received the initial directions to reduce salt in my diet, increase my potassium intake, exercise, and take medication to manage the symptoms. The doctor prescribed diuretics, diazapam (also known as Valium), and anti-nausea medication, and asked that I follow up in a few months.

Given the combination of harsh, over-the-counter diuretics and Valium, which nearly wiped my memory banks clean, I struggled with the effects of these drugs at first. In addition, the pain that I suffered from the swelling within my middle ear was not addressed; the medicine acted like more of a distraction from than a cure for the swelling. Therefore, with high hopes and the need for relief, I sought the help of some acupuncturists who were situated near my office and home. I also worked with my physician to “step off” Valium, and switched to herbal diuretics, which are more gentle, as soon as this option became available to me through my acupuncturists.

More info about Natural Treatment for Meniere’s Disease

Do You Suffer from Symptoms of Fatigue and Dizziness

What most people do not realize is that chronic fatigue, ongoing tiredness, and occasional dizziness could point to more serious problems within the chemical balance in their bodies. Of course these symptoms are common in other illnesses such as high blood pressure, mononucleosis, and influenza, they generally are nothing that modern medicine and tests are able to eliminate from the body.

Yes, you read that correctly, there are illnesses that affect the body that go beyond the true help of conventional medicine, yet is simple enough to treat that home remedies and alternative health options might be able to eradicate from your body. Modern medical practitioners will agree that chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a growing problem among many people; yet they do not always agree on what causes CFS in people. Read more Treatment for Dizziness

That is where a homeopathic doctor will come in handy with some valuable information; after having tried modern medicines to remove the symptoms and cure the illness, only for it to fail should help to open your eyes to the fact that there is something deeper at work causing the chronic fatigue syndrome.

These three conditions include the following: parasites infecting or nesting in the body’s tissues, heavy metal poisoning, and a candida yeast fungal infection attacking your intestines. Each of these three conditions can be picked up around one’s personal environment, and all of them sap the main energy sources in the body, such as the adrenal glands, and attacking the body by lowering the immune system.

Parasites can be picked up through daily consumption of food and drink; there is no way around this infection as a body needs the nourishment that eating and drinking provides. Parasites attach to the tissues in your body feeding off of the nutrients found there. Yet using a parasitic cleanse can help eliminate the majority of the parasites from your body.

Heavy metals such as mercury, lead and arsenic can be picked up around the house without having and prior knowledge that they are present. These metals attack and lower the immune system once high enough levels are running through the blood stream. Constant hand washing and keeping things that are not food and drink out of your mouth can help lower the levels of these metals within the body; while a cleanse can help flush them from your system.

More info about  Natural Treatment for Dizziness

Creating a Diet for Ulcerative Colitis

If you are reading this chances are you have Ulcerative Colitis or you know somebody who does. The first thing I want to tell you is not to worry. Ulcerative Colitis can usually be treated so effectively through changes in diet and medications that the symptoms become extremely manageable. In fact certain medications could cause a remission that lasts for years. Medication is just one piece of the puzzle however. Diet also plays a very large role. Some say diet is the most important factor of all. That has yet to be proven but it is clear if you properly alter your diet for Ulcerative Colitis the symptoms can become much more bearable.

More info:- Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis

Whether you are taking medicine or not it is important to change your diet for Ulcerative Colitis. It will help you eliminate the foods that cause flare-ups as well as help you maintain proper nutrition. It may be a difficult undertaking at first but creating your diet for Ulcerative Colitis will be well worth it. It is a way for you to take control of your disease and regain power.

There is no one-size-fits-all diet for Ulcerative Colitis

A large part of dealing with Ulcerative Colitis learning about your body. You must listen to it to figure out what you can and cannot eat. Everybody is different. What might be right for you may not be right for some. That’s why the single most important part of developing a diet for Ulcerative colitis is maintaining a dietary journal. In your journal you should catalog everything you eat throughout the day as well as any flare-ups you have. This will help you form a correlation between certain foods and flare-ups so you can eliminate them from your diet. If you are not sure what foods are causing the flare-ups doctors recommend you try the elimination method. The elimination method is very simple. All you do is eliminate the suspected food from your diet while keeping the rest of your diet the same. If there is a noticeable decrease in flare-ups then that food is probably to blame. It is important to not make any other changes to your diet while implementing the elimination method or else you will not get accurate results.

The role of Supplements

It is difficult to maintain a completely balanced and nutritious diet for Ulcerative Colitis. That is simply the nature of the disease. Supplements are an important tool that will help you maintain a balanced diet. Without supplements it would be very difficult to maintain a completely balanced diet. It is important to note however that supplements are just that, supplements. They are not a substitute for eating healthy. Click here Natural Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis


Atrial Fibrillation – Get The Facts

One of the most common cardiac arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) case is called Atrial Fibrillation (A-fib or AF). It is a condition which manifests the quivering of the atria (two upper chambers of the heart) instead of them contracting in a coordinated rhythm. The simplest way to check this is to take a pulse and observe. A normal heartbeat should have regular intervals, but those with AF, it is otherwise. Read more Treatment for Atrial Fibrillation

Signs And Symptoms:-

Atrial Fibrillation’s symptom is most often associated with a rapid heart rate. Irregular heart rates may be apprehended as congestive manifestations of shortness of breath, exercise intolerance and palpitations, which is also called as edema. In most cases, AF can also be detected with symptoms such as symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as diarrhea and weight loss, chest pain or angina, and other symptoms that are common manifestations of lung disease. A patient is also at a higher risk of complications when he or she has a history of stroke, rheumatic fever, heart failure and diabetes.


Even without an evidence of an underlying cardiac disease, it is still very possible for an Atrial Fibrillation to occur. Some causes which are not directly involved with the heart are the following:

  •     Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
  •     Hypertension (High blood pressure)
  •     Pulmonary embolism (a blood clot in the lungs)
  •     Pneumonia
  •     Carbon monoxide poisoning
  •     Excessive alcohol and caffeine intake
  •     A family history of AF may increase the risk of AF


A Patient who develops Atrial Fibrillation is evaluated by a medical history and physical examination. Furthermore, an echocardiogram (cardiac echo) and electrocardiogram (ECG) are also done. It is the doctor’s normal procedure to gather information on heart problems or chest pains and check if the known symptoms are being experienced by the patient.


Treating Atrial Fibrillation has a main goal of preventing temporary circulatory instability and stroke. Preventing the former requires a rate or rhythm control while the risk of stroke can be decreased by anticoagulation.

Rate control aims to decrease the rapid heart rate to what is closer to normal – which is 60-100 BPM (beats per minute), with no attempt to revert to a regular rhythm. The main purpose of the rhythm control is to restore the normal heart rhythm through cardioversion alongside drugs as maintenance. Meanwhile, anticoagulation can be done through aspirin warfarin, dabigatran and heparin. Choosing a method involves consideration of the cost, risk of stroke, risk of falls, compliance, and speed of desired onset of anticoagulation.

Meniere’s Disease and Tinnitus Information

Whilst tinnitus will most usually be a condition in its own right, with its own causes, it is in fact often a symptom of Meniere’s disease. More info about – Natural Treatment for Meniere’s Disease

For both of these ailments we begin by discussing their symptoms.

Symptoms of Tinnitus:-

1. In one ear or in both ears at the same time, the manifestations of tinnitus can include hearing high or low pitched noises or tones. Being like a loud buzzing or possibly like bells clanging is how tinnitus sufferers often name these sounds.
2. When describing their tinnitus symptoms people somtimes say it’s like a banging noise or the sound of rushing water. High amounts of stress and anxiety and also hearing degradation over time include some other symptoms of tinnitus.
3. This is especially true if the tinnitus becomes so frequent and loud that a person feels constantly distracted, on their own and avoids social encounters.

Meniere’s disease scientists have proposed a number of potential causes or triggers, including:

1. Improper fluid drainage, perhaps because of a blockage or anatomic abnormality
2. Abnormal immune response
3. Allergies
4. Viral infection
5. Head trauma

Meniere’s disease is considered a chronic condition by the medical community, various treatment strategies can help relieve symptoms such as ear ringing Tinnitus head noises and minimize the disease’s long-term impact on your life. Most likely, Meniere’s disease is caused by a combination of these factors as no single leading cause has emerged, making a balanced nutritional approach to good hearing health while supporting a strong immune system, your best defense. Treatment for Meniere’s disease should be addressed along with the treatment of ear ringing Tinnitus head noises.

Hearing Loss Treatment Many Options for You

Hearing loss occurs for many reasons but no matter what the reason or cause is, proper hearing loss treatment is necessary. Hearing loss can cause the afflicted person to be depressed, lonely, dependent, and unconfident. Treatment may not completely bring the person’s hearing back but it can make a lot of things easier for the afflicted person, particularly communication, social interaction, work and daily tasks. Here are the available hearing loss treatment options for you. More info Treatment for Sudden Hearing Loss

Reversible Hearing Loss Treatment:-

There are different causes of reversible hearing loss and these causes determine the proper treatment. Though the causes vary, the treatment often ends up successfully. The following are the common causes and treatment for reversible hearing loss.

1. Ototoxic medicine consumption – your doctor may advise you to change or stop the medication
2. Infection of the ear – your doctor may advise you to take antibiotic although this can clear up on its own over time
3. Injury on the head or ears – your doctor may advise you to undergo surgery although this will also clear up on its own over time
4. Otosclerosis, Meniere’s disease, or acoustic neuroma – the problem may be solved by surgery or medicine consumption
5. Hardened, impacted earwax – the best way to solve this is through wax removal

Permanent Hearing Loss Treatment:-

Hearing loss treatment options for permanent hearing loss like those age-related and noise include:

1. Hearing aids for sound amplification – these devices do not have the ability to restore the person’s sense of hearing. Nevertheless, they can help the person function and communicate more easily.
2. Alerting devices, communication aids, and assistive listening devices

Constant Hearing Loss Treatment:-

Reversible hearing loss may be cured only after the cause of hearing loss has been dealt with. However, if there is no improvement after the cause has been addressed, you may need your doctor’s help. Your doctor will be able to tell you if you need surgery or medication, depending on the reason behind your hearing loss. You just have to remember though that the chance to restore your hearing is very minimal especially if your doctor has diagnosed that your case is a case of permanent hearing loss. In this case, what you need is a constant treatment through hearing aids.

Here are some of the hearing aid devices available for constant hearing loss treatment:-

1. Assistive listening devices – these hearing devices are used to make sounds louder through directing the sounds to the ears. A special type of device is used for every situation such as in one-on-one conversations, auditorium or classroom settings. Some of the most common assistive listening devices are telephone amplifiers, personal listening systems, and hearing aids directly attached to a microphone, television, radio, or stereo.
2. Alerting devices – as its name suggests, alerting devices are used to alert the user of a particular sound through vibrations, louder sounds, or lights.
3. Telephone-closed captioning – telephone-closed captioning devices are used to show subtitles or words at the bottom of the TV screen so that the user will be able to understand what he/she is watching.

Natural Treatments for Atrial Fibrillation is Revealed

No doubt, at present era, we can explore one of the most successful herbal treatments for atrial fibrillation which in turn is considered as an optimum product for atrial fibrillation treatment. This product is discovered by efficient website of Flemeton almost after eight years of unparallel research studies and extensive trials by efficient herbal researchers and herbal doctors.

This product for atrial fibrillation treatment is fully research based. It is regarded as incomparable herbal treatments for atrial fibrillation. The prime step taken in research of Flemeton is incorporated with a very interesting story of an individual who was suffering from chronic atrial fibrillation. He went to innumerable hospitals as well as doctors all over country for atrial fibrillation treatment but all in vain.

This article of newspaper caught the attention of one of company’s members. He then conducted few tests that were basic and discovered an effective compound which is highly safe for atrial fibrillation treatment. Rights for formula were purchased from individual who has originally discovered and named this grand herbal product as Flemeton.

Then company initiated to collect data that were anecdotal for Flemeton’s formal research ands started testing it in vivo that is with live animals as well in vitro that is experimenting with cell culture. Eventually, after so many months of comprehensive chemical characterization and testing compound of Flemeton it was revealed as highly effective natutral treatments for atrial fibrillation. It was efficiently concluded that this product was a novel discovery.

Natural Remedies – Key to Ulcerative Colitis

There are various natural remedies to reduce the symptoms of ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. These natural solutions could prove to be effective in alleviating pain, cramps, bloating and diarrhea… here for Natural Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis

More and more patients suffering from ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease are now going the natural way to bring their situation under control. Natural solutions are mainly preferred to avoid the side effects caused by conventional medicines. Natural remedies are known for their safety and you feel in greater control without any worry about surgery. You also need not worry about the nutritional value while resorting to natural methods. Natural treatments are also beneficial to keep a check on irritable bowel syndrome.

When conventional methods of treatment are not helping in healing ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, then alternative medicine or natural therapy may be resorted to. However it is always advisable to take the opinion of your physician before doing so because any wrong move could further aggravate your condition. Most doctors also advise natural supplements to be taken along with conventional medicine and not as a replacement.

Some commonly referred natural solutions for ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease includes peppermint oil, Boswellia, probiotics, psyllium and elm. Other vitamin and mineral supplements for colitis and Crohn’s include omega-3 fatty acids, garlic and ginger. Probiotics is extensively used, as they are known to benefit the intestinal tract. If you have an inflammation in the intestinal region, then probiotics helps fight the infection. Similarly, diarrhea and irritable bowel syndrome may also be contained with probiotics.

How to Stop Anxiety Dizziness

What most people do not realize is that chronic fatigue, ongoing tiredness, and occasional dizziness could point to more serious problems within the chemical balance in their bodies. Of course these symptoms are common in other illnesses such as high blood pressure, mononucleosis, and influenza, they generally are nothing that modern medicine and tests are able to eliminate from the body….more info here Treatment for Dizziness

Yes, you read that correctly, there are illnesses that affect the body that go beyond the true help of conventional medicine, yet is simple enough to treat that home remedies and alternative health options might be able to eradicate from your body. Modern medical practitioners will agree that chronic fatigue syndrome or CFS is a growing problem among many people; yet they do not always agree on what causes CFS in people.

There are three main conditions that can sap the energy from the body, making a person overly tired and extremely fatigued. These conditions are more like infections that take place naturally in nearly everyone; yet no one is aware of their presence until the symptoms grow severe enough that they start seeking answers.

These three conditions include the following
: parasites infecting or nesting in the body’s tissues, heavy metal poisoning, and a candida yeast fungal infection attacking your intestines. Each of these three conditions can be picked up around one’s personal environment, and all of them sap the main energy sources in the body, such as the adrenal glands, and attacking the body by lowering the immune system.

Some people may feel that the world is spinning around them, and can cause a nauseous type feeling. Lying down or sitting down will be the first step. After that, you want to try to look or create a small point that is about 5-9 feet in front of you and keep staring at it. This helps reduce the dizzy feeling.

If you are sitting down for an extended period of time, make sure that you do not stand up too fast, as it can make you dizzier due to rapid blood movement.

:- You’ve probably heard it before, but by drinking the recommended amount of water each day – you can dramatically reduce your chances of dizziness and treat your current dizziness!

Vitamin B6:- This helps your nervous symptoms and tremendously increases your balance. You will have the ability to stand better by Vitamin B6, so why not use it? Also you may want to treat low blood sugars as well.

Try eating, nuts, apples, porridge, etc. This will help get your blood sugars up!

Dizziness is a common symptom of anxiety and it can make you feel as though something life threatening is happening to you. But you can learn to control and prevent dizziness by following these tips.

Natural Techniques to Stop Anxiety Attacks Today
:- The Panic Away Program explains step-by-step the Natural Techniques to Get rid of panic/anxiety attacks, uncomfortable, dizziness, throat tightness, tingle sensations, hot flushes, lack of connection, racing heart, obsessive worries, and much more.